Couples Workshops
We believe in the healing power of pleasure.
Being in an intimate relationship is one place where we learn about beauty and pleasure, where we practice moving from the contracted world of disappointment or fear to risking saying yes again…
yes to being known, to intimacy, to love.
That's one reason why intimate relationships are one of the greatest vehicles for transformation on the planet.
Inspired by Tantra and concepts from Integral Relationships, we explore practices to support couples to move from a more transactional relationship to a more transformational relationship.
Think: moving from interactions about the necessary details of everyday life to deep practices of presence and connection that allow new things to be birthed in your relationship… and leave you renewed, nourished, and more gaga in love.
We share practices to get connected, increase tenderness and pleasure, as well as creative ways to work through rough spots with more grace, ease, and play.

Meet Your Relationship Guides
Erik Muten and Amelia Perkins are partners in love and work. They're students of Tantra, dedicated to experimenting with better and better ways to love and be loved.
Besides being a tender warrior, wise and playful, Erik's perspective is informed by over 35 years of study and practice as a clinical psychologist, theater director, and organizational consultant.
Amelia has a masters of theology from Harvard and a masters in transformational leadership and coaching. Her biggest gifts are her dedication to exploring the embodied divine and her creativity in nurturing juicy relationships.
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When we first got together, we lived in a 240 square foot cabin off the grid for three years where we had to learn to work stuff out creatively... and fast. We value humor, fun, pleasure, tenderness, and depth. Our definition of love is to tell the truth and support one another to be our unique selves. We have been experimenting up a storm for almost six years.
Besides workshops, we also offer private sessions to individual couples.

What some of our clients have to say...
"I feel that every part of me is welcome in the couples workshop.
The experiments feel like warm invitations,
and something about the way Amelia and Erik's sense of play crosses their seriousness of purpose
made my experience feel bountiful, meaningful, and ripe! I can’t wait to come back."
- Kent, Brooklyn
"The ideas and exercises from the couple's tantric class were so fun and easy to incorporate
into our relationship. It brought us together as a couple in such a great and naturally playful way!
We felt a real kinship with the other participants that was remarkable and an unexpected plus.
Having the different perspectives of both Erik and Amelia was fantastic and seeing the
open, honest, real, playful way they relate as a couple was inspirational!
We leave the workshop with tricks, ideas, and reminders of how to jump back into
what both of us truly want in our relationship: love, connection, growth, and joy.
It has sparked intimacy and just plain fun that perhaps for some reason
many of us adults forget we can have. That workshop was magical!"
- Ashley & Duncan, Boston